Beet, Carrot and Orange Juice with Honey

Beet, Carrot and Orange Juice with Honey


2 tablespoons - honey, divided

1 - beet

4 - carrots

4 - celery stalks

1 ½ - oranges


Wash all of the vegetables and fruits. Peel the beets and carrots. Peel the orange and roughly chop. Juice the beets, carrots, celery and oranges in a juicer. Serve in a tall glass and add 1 ½ tablespoons of honey, stirring until incorporated. Can be served over ice, if desired.

*If you do not own a juicer, you can create a delicious smoothie instead: Chop the beets, carrots and celery into small pieces and place all into a blender. Cut the orange in half and manually squeeze the juice into the blender. Add some of the orange pulp if desired. Add ½ cup of water and blend until smooth.